Wednesday 26 November 2014

Script for the summoning

Script for the summoning


Bill-Average guy
Conor-Darker guy


Independent film making studio's (IFM)
Beginning credits

*Camera pans upwards, revealing setting, main characters walk past the camera and enter the settings doors with the doors shutting behind them, panicked gasps are heard from some members of the group, Bill places hand on door and attempts to open it to no avail*
"Matt: well, there's no turning back now"
*Anxious looks between Billy, Zoe and Billy as they look to Conor for answers*
"Zoe: Whats the plan then"
"Conor: Well......."
*Conor takes a Ouija board out of his bag and reveals it to the group*
"Matt: A Ouija board really?"
*A dim light appears through the darkness from one of the rooms, the group share some uneasy looks and then proceed to head towards the room, camera cuts to the designated room where candles are placed appropriately around the room and on a table*
"Conor: Well here goes nothing"
*Conor places the Ouija board onto the table in the appropriate place*
"Matt: You know what to do guys"
*The group position themselves accordingly around the and place one hand on the pointer*
"Zoe: are there any spirits here?"
*Pointer moves to yes; as a close-up is shown*
"Conor: Can you tell us what happened to our missing friends"
*A few candles on the outer ring burnout and the pointer points to no*
"Zoe: why not"
*Camera focuses on group (birds eye) as more candles burnout and pointer moves in quick succession of three letters (you)*
"Matt: You? what do you want from us?"
*pointer points to five letters (death), group looks uneasily at each-other, a few close-ups one used and focuses on Billy*
"Bill: death?"
*Ouija board bounces slightly, group gets startled and Bill and Billy step back, Ouija board begins to vibrate violently*
"Matt: whats happening "
*Ambient sound presents spirit presence, which is followed by a birds eye view of the group, each member pushed back into the darkness behind them and the remaining candles go out, shuffling is heard, followed by some heavy breathing*
*Flicks lighter twice before igniting on the third attempt to shown to be distressed and looks around quickly, heavy breathing becomes more apparent and other ambiance stops. A ghostly face appears from the darkness behind Matt s left shoulder, creature becomes angry as shown on its face, the lighter is extinguished and a loud scream is heard*

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