Sunday 2 November 2014

Analysing opening scene-Now you see me

Analysing opening scene-Now you see me

The now you see me opening scene has lots of close ups on who we presume to be the main characters, A close up shot is used on four main people during the opening scene, this shows the audience who the main characters are because it spends most of its time looking at these four people. The reason they use a close up is because they want us to look for evidence ourselves on how they do the magic. This is very effective because it keeps the audience guessing on how they do it, this is good because it involves the audience and makes the whole movie experience a more interesting and interactive event. An establishing shot is used when it shows the big building in the background as well as the city because it is setting the scene for this movie to take place. A tracking shot is used to follow the movements of each of the four original main characters to reveal to the audience that they will have massive significance in the overall screening of the film. We also get a two person shot in three out of the four scenes to show the relationship between the audience and the magicians, this bond is needed for a successful show because they need to not just fool the audience on screen but off screen as well. This will create a more stunning experience because as the main characters are talking in movie it is like they are talking to you as well through first person camera shots to try and get the audience to think they are there and are directly involved in the magic going on.

The sound used in the opening scene is mainly diegetic with all the dialogue used in each main characters scene. The dialogue used is very important within a thriller to help set the tone mood and atmosphere. The director cleverly uses the sound of peoples muffled whispering and the sound of shocked awes and gasps, as well as clapping to add an overall atmosphere to what an audience is usually like at one of these events.Non-diegetic music is used very subtly to fill in gaps in the dialogue with a background theme tune which adds to the experience of seeing the film. Even-though the music is not very loud it does have a big impact on the overall filming experience as it adds in a sense of amazement through the tune it makes. Diegetic sound is used in the dialogue between the main characters and the side characters, it reveals to the audience just what these magicians plan to do but doesn't tell you how they will accomplish it so that the audience is left thinking. This shows that the genre is a thriller because it leaves a sense of uncertainty and leaves us in anticipation for the great reveal which will be at the end of the film.

An enigma code is used right at the end of the opening scene when after three magicians have done their magic the forth struggles and we're left with the image if a woman being swamped by piranhas. This leaves us with a question in our head, "because she is a magician how will she escape?". This keeps the audience thinking about all the possibilities on ways in which the woman can escape because we know she is a main character by the way the camera centres on her and she is one of few with quite a bit of dialogue so as an audience member we wouldn't expect her to die so early into the movie. 

The audience can see that each character is wearing a set piece of clothing depending on where they are performing, for example the first magician is wearing a smart suit for a formal performance in front of an audience, the second a shirt and jacket for what looks like just street entertainment, the third a casual leather jacket and trousers for a boat performance and the last her swimming wear because it involves going in water. This shows the audience that the magicians will adapt to what they are doing and therefore shows us this is a thriller film because whatever they are wearing will have some sort of insight into the performance ahead.

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